If you’re visiting this website, that means that you’ve been appointed as the Personal Representative for an estate.

I’d love to offer my assistance in the probate process at no upfront cost to you. I have a lot of referrals that I’d be happy to share with you, such as:

  • A Stress Free Sale of the property on the open market
  • Handle any personal property in need of removal
  • Make necessary repairs/improvements
  • Bring you a All-Cash, Quick Close Offer for the house in 24-48 hours (if needed)
  • Any Specialized Cleaning Services
  • Coordinate Estate Sales
  • Medicaid Covered Hospice Recommendations (for a surviving spouse)

You might be asking yourself, “What’s the catch?”

Well, I’m a real estate agent/broker, and I’d love to help you sell any real estate that is in the estate. It’s that easy.

If there’s no property, no big deal. I’d still be happy to share my recommendations with you if you need them.

If there is property in the estate and you’re unsure what you’ll do with it yet – sell it, keep it, or rent it out – I’d be happy to chat with you and show you the options you have, educate you on the local real estate and rental market, and show you . If you decide that selling makes the most sense, I get paid out of the proceeds of the sale.

No pressure, no obligation, no sales pitch. Just information.

You see, I’ve run my real estate business based on providing value first, treating people right, and never screwing anyone over. My reputation is my business, and since I have a good reputation I continue to receive referrals from past clients, their friends, co-workers, and family members. It’s the right way to run a business, and it’s just the right way to live.

I’m here to help you in any way I can during this often difficult time. My #1 goal is to “Provide Value First.”

We’re experts in probate, and after over a decade of helping others in similar situations we’ve curated a vast network of good, honest, and ethical people and companies that we can recommend (free of charge) to help you out.

Things I often hear in your situation…

  • My attorney is handling all of this for me (they’ll handle some of these, but not everything – we help fill in those gaps)
  • The probate is ongoing, so I can’t deal with any of this yet (not true – in fact it’s often in your best interest to take care of this ASAP to get some cash to help pay for any ongoing costs)
  • I’ve received a ton of letters from people already (I’m sure you have! As you can hopefully tell, I’m different)
  • I’m so overwhelmed that I don’t have time to deal with any of this yet (And that’s why we started this business. We’ve seen so many people just bare their head in the sand because they’re overwhelmed. If there is 1 thing that you need help with, just call me and I’ll help you out. No obligation. I just want to help!)

I hear personal representatives like you say these sentences to me so many times that I just had to tell you that you’re not alone. I’m here to help. And seriously, if you have even just 1 thing that you’re stuck on and need help with (removing items from the house, making repairs, selling the home (either for the most $$$ or for slightly less but within 24-48 hours), any cleaning services, or even some hospice recommendations that medicaid will cover, I’m happy to share my referrals with you.

If you’d like to schedule a time to chat on the phone, or if you’d like me to meet you at the property, you can easily schedule a time below. It’s super easy to do. If all else fails, just give me call at 425-243-4139.